A House Divided - Nevada Senator William J. Raggio and the Fracturing of the GOP by Michael Archer
"A House Divided provides a fast-paced yet comprehensive account of a significant shift in U.S. political history as viewed through the prism of Raggio's career. When hardliner radical-right factions rose to power within the GOP, Raggio resisted their extreme policies and unwillingness to compromise across the aisle. For that, he was vilified and driven from his leadership position. He subsequently resigned from office yet defiantly continued his struggle for the soul of the GOP. By 2011, he foresaw a future in which the party would fracture, weakening it to the point where it would no longer align with most American voters. "We have a Republican Party that seems intent on eating its own," he warned. "And it is going to have serious political consequences""
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 174