A Celebration of State Capitols by Richard Gibson
"Like Victorian ladies in fine dresses, state capitols are often adorned with the finest materials that their state could afford when they were built. They are the grand dames of democracy. Each one shows her beauty in distinct and inimitable ways. State capitols and statehouses are the homes of the legislatures. They are 'the people's house,' and they belong to the citizens of their state. Inside their walls, citizens may not only observe, but also participate in the democratic process.
State capitols are beautiful structures that reflect the personality of the state and its founders. No two capitols are the same, even though some share the same architects. But time is the enemy, and it has taken its toll on many statehouses and capitols across the country. Over the past 10 years, we have seen several states, such as Kansas, Nebraska, Utah, and Virginia, rally behind their renowned capitol buildings to make sure their unique nature, differences, and history are preserved for future generations. That is why getting to know every capitol is such a treat.
Perusing these pages, you will discover that Richard Gibson has taken the time to learn each of these great ladies' stories, and he shares their secrets with us."
Format: Hardcover with protective sleeve
Page Count: 271